One of the most beautiful places I have been is St. John, USVI. We took a cruise a couple of years ago and one of our ports was St. Thomas. We had heard so much about St. John that we took a cab to Red Hook and took the ferry to Cruz Bay. We were not disappointed. Cruz Bay is a neat small town with one-way roads that wind through the shops and restaurants. We took a cab to Trunk Bay. I had seen this on one of those top 10 lists somewhere. Again, no disappointments here. The beach was a little crowded and there was a wild donkey hanging around but it doesn't take long to find a spot to toss your towel and back pack.
The water is crystal clear and because it is a bay it is calmer than ocean beaches. We swam and napped and watched people. Such a beautiful place. We decided this was one place to come back to. And we did...
About a year later, we took another cruise making sure that one of the ports was St. Thomas. Same routine as before but this year we decided to visit Cinnamon Bay. It was less crowded than Trunk Bay and a little more natural. On our walk down to the beach, we saw a very large iguana eating 'something.' Although he was wild, he was apparently accustomed to eating in front of strangers. This time we took Bradley and that is where I took the photo above. She loves the beach and the sand and playing in the clear water. I wonder if she understands the beauty of God's creation. I wonder if I do.