Sunday, August 24, 2008

Where have you been?

Wow! It's been a while since I've blogged. I thought this summer would be calm and I would have much free time to do some things I've been wanting to do. Instead, it was worse busy than before school finished.

Just recently I attended a family reunion in Bryson City, a birthday/slumber party with Bradley in Maggie Valley, and I joined the Y. I have managed to continue doing an exercise class two or three times each week but I haven't finished reading anything. I haven't rode my bicycle or took a walk or spent any down time.

This past weekend and next week I am preparing for homeschool year number 3. I've ordered a new Grammar curriculum, made decisions about which Tapestry of Grace year to use this year and which books and other items I need to order. I've also contacted a family friend who can proctor me in my homeschool and be an accountability person for Bradley. Since she is in fifth grade now, I need to start keeping track of her grades. School starts September 1 so maybe life will return to ???Normal??? If I even know what that is anymore.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Ethical Announcement

I am notorious for borrowing photos and such from other websites. I mean for what other reason is there a website called Google Images anyway? But not just Google Images but "private" websites. I usually try to give credit for these things but occasionally there's something that slips through un-cited. I just want to make that clear that I am not always responsible for the photos on my site. I don't consider it stealing if my computer will let me do it with a couple of key strokes.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Quote and thought

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke

Someone said this would be a good slogan for Barak Obama's campaign.
Think about it...It took me a minute also.