Wow! It's been a while since I've blogged. I thought this summer would be calm and I would have much free time to do some things I've been wanting to do. Instead, it was worse busy than before school finished.
Just recently I attended a family reunion in Bryson City, a birthday/slumber party with Bradley in Maggie Valley, and I joined the Y. I have managed to continue doing an exercise class two or three times each week but I haven't finished reading anything. I haven't rode my bicycle or took a walk or spent any down time.
This past weekend and next week I am preparing for homeschool year number 3. I've ordered a new Grammar curriculum, made decisions about which Tapestry of Grace year to use this year and which books and other items I need to order. I've also contacted a family friend who can proctor me in my homeschool and be an accountability person for Bradley. Since she is in fifth grade now, I need to start keeping track of her grades. School starts September 1 so maybe life will return to ???Normal??? If I even know what that is anymore.
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