Sunday, July 20, 2008

My Shooting Star

Bradley spent last week in a gymnastics camp at The Shooting Stars gym in Hickory. Vladimir and Ilena are the coaches/owners. There were a total of FIVE gymnasts present for the camp which meant that Bradley shared her three hours of practice with one other Level 5 gymnast. It was like a three hour private lesson with Vladimir and Ilena. We are very thankful that Hannah was there! I've posted a couple of the videos so you can see what Bradley was doing. Vladimire was training her Level 6 on bars.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Today is the 10th anniversary of meeting the coolest person I know...

Today is Bradley's 10th birthday. It's hard to believe it's been ten years.

Ten years ago there was formula and diapers, and I had to change her clothes several time a day. Now there is leotards and tape and she still changes her clothes several times a day.

She still objects to taking a bath and doesn't see the point in sleep, but we've managed to make it work. A lot has changed in those ten years but Bradley is wonderful and being 10 is fun!!!