We are in a time where everyone expects the gov. to provide all of their needs and not place the responsibility on themselves. We will never be able to "protect" ourselves because why would you bite the hand that feeds you?
Didn't see your comment until today. If most citizen realized what the government thought about them, that they are stupid, irresponsible, and incapable of thinking for themselves, they might wake up and stop taking the hand-outs. I'm not much on hand-outs and I would sure like to get the government's hand out of my pocket.
We are in a time where everyone expects the gov. to provide all of their needs and not place the responsibility on themselves. We will never be able to "protect" ourselves because why would you bite the hand that feeds you?
Didn't see your comment until today. If most citizen realized what the government thought about them, that they are stupid, irresponsible, and incapable of thinking for themselves, they might wake up and stop taking the hand-outs. I'm not much on hand-outs and I would sure like to get the government's hand out of my pocket.
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